Shield of God.

Using the pearls of His wisdom and the light of His truth to protect us in this world. Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Archive for the tag “religion”




The object of the prayer chain is to like and  re-blog a continual Prayer. We have started a fire now lets cause it to spread!

Heavenly Father We come to you in a chain prayer. Our hope is that this prayer will be a constant act of worship and power from earth to heaven and back to earth. Father we pray for the lost. Those who are clouded by this world and the things of it. We pray you will turn their eyes towards heaven and You. We pray for a revival in Your name. Cause Your fire of love and truth to burn in our hearts. Cause us to rise up as children of God that provoke Your spirit to move again as in Acts. We pray we would play a part In the Blind seeing, The deaf hearing and the lame to leap. We pray for the power…

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Watch “Jack Van Impe Presents #1312 (2013-03-23)”

Dinosaurs and the Bible

…Could it be that Lucifer had reign over this earth before he rebelled against God and became Satan? Could it be that the inhabitants of this planet (dinosaurs and cavemen and whatever else may have been here) were led into rebellion against God by the fallen angel Lucifer, who became Satan? Could it be that the earth was destroyed prior to Noah’s Flood? Science says it was. Since the earth was covered with water in Verse 2 of Genesis, could it be that the earth was destroyed by flood twice?

What was the command God gave Noah’s family? Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons,and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply and REPLENISH the earth. KJV What does the term “replenish” mean? It means to “refill”. What had happened that Noah was told to “refill” the earth. The flood of course.

Where else in the bible can we find the commandment to be fruitful, multiply, and replensih the earth? In Genesis 1:28 we read And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, multiply, and REPLENISH the earth and subdue it. Who was God talking to? Adam and Eve. Why were Adam and Eve commanded to “replenish” or “refill” the earth unless the earth had once been full and something had happened to wipe out the life that was on the earth. …

via Dinosaurs and the Bible.





Two Churches and a Mosque claim to have head of John the Baptist

3 For Herod had arrested Yochanan, put him in chains and thrown him in prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip; 4 since Yochanan had told Herod, “It violates the Torah for you to have her as your wife.” 5 Herod had wanted to put Yochanan to death; but he was afraid of the people, in whose eyes Yochanan was a prophet. 6 However, at Herod’s birthday celebration, Herodias’ daughter danced before the company and pleased Herod 7 so much that he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked. 8 Prompted by her mother, she said, “Give me here on a platter the head of Yochanan the Immerser.” 9 The king became deeply upset; but out of regard for the oaths he had sworn before his dinner guests, he ordered that her wish be granted, 10 and sent and had Yochanan beheaded in prison. 11 The head was brought on a platter to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 12 Yochanan’s talmidim came, took the body and buried it; then they went and told Yeshua. 13 On hearing about this, Yeshua left in a boat to be by himself in the wilderness. But the people learned of it and followed him from the towns by land.( Matthew 14 : 3-13) CJB

The mother of all corruption and shame.The Catholic Church of Amiens in France have kept John the Baptists skull on a plate.

Jesus explains there have never been a greater man than John the Baptist walking the Earth. Still a Catholic Church in France, feels the need to keep a skull on a plate, and claims it is the very head of the baptist.

Surely this picture is insane enough. But what should make the Catholic World grasping for fresh air, is an Italian claim, that the skull of the baptist is also to be found in Church of S.Sivestro in Rome. To be correct, only the backside of the skull has been kept in the city of the Vatican. And this piece of the head can be adored and venerated at a glass mounter.

We need to take a look at a lot of pictures. Lets start with the…

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“Coming Apocalypse” Pastor Begley


Bigger Than We Think | Christianity Today

It was a moment of crisis in my faith. As a young doctoral student in astrophysics, I had just read some work by Stephen Hawking that would eventually go into his classic A Brief History of Time. Up to this point in my Christian life, I had relied on a solid argument to use with my atheist friends. In response to, “The universe began with a Big Bang,” I countered with, “But who started it all off—who lit the explosion?” And at the time, science seemed to support my answer: There was no way to combine quantum theory and relativity and therefore no way of describing the first moment of the universe.

Hawking, however, was speculating on how the universe might have lit its own Big Bang. If that was true, did I need a Creator anymore? I asked Sir Robert Boyd, a leading physicist and Christian, about whether Hawking might be wrong. Sir Robert simply replied, “The biblical Creator doesn’t need to hide in little gaps in science.”

The Christian doctrine of Creation has often been hijacked by controversies over how old the universe is. It has been hollowed out by the theory that God simply ignites the universe and then goes off for a cup of coffee, never touching his masterwork again. It is interesting that attacks on belief in a Creator, whether from Hawking, Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion, or Lawrence M. Krauss’s recent A Universe from Nothing, tend to target this diminished deity. But the Bible has a much bigger understanding of God as Creator. Not only does the doctrine of Creation feature in Scripture beyond just Genesis 1, God’s creative activity permeates every moment of the history of the universe.

My Hawking-induced crisis of faith spurred me to move beyond a “God of the gaps”—a shrunken deity enlisted merely to fill any remaining pockets of mystery that science has yet to illuminate. Indeed, my experience has been that recapturing the doctrine of Creation in its scriptural fullness points us toward a much more exciting understanding of creation. It points us toward a God for whom science is a gift rather than a stumbling block. And perhaps most importantly, it points to a Creator God who is worthy of worship, enjoyment, and trust.

via Bigger Than We Think | Christianity Today.

Weather plays havoc with final hours of Obama visit

End Time Bible Prophecy

Winds, dust clouds ground presidential choppers, lead to cancellation of formal airport farewell ceremony

Bethlehem on Friday, awaiting a belated President Obama amid a sandstorm (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)
Bethlehem on Friday, awaiting a belated President Obama amid a sandstorm (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)


The arrival of inclement Mideastern weather Friday deeply disrupted the final hours of the visit to Israel and the West Bank by US President Barack Obama.

The air was filled with dust Friday morning and early afternoon, blown by strong winds. Visibility was minimal in and around Jerusalem, in the nearby West Bank area, and at Ben-Gurion Airport.

The president was supposed to be in Bethlehem at 12:30 p.m., for a visit to the Church of the Nativity, but only left Jerusalem shortly before 2 pm. He therefore met for far longer than expected at the King David Hotel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — an intended brief, summing-up meeting that extended for some three hours.

Obama had then…

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They Claim To Speak For God Part 1

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!

My Comment:  Put your discernment cap on and read this, its a great article, and we need to know how to tell the difference between these things that divide.

Bible Prophecy Blog By T. A. McMahon
The Berean Call

Again, sound doctrine is simply the teachings of the Word of God, which every believer is to read, heed, and obey. Yet, according to these teachers, since biblical doctrine stands in the way of the “new things God is doing,” it must be downgraded.

A very large part of Christendom in the United States is enamored with those who claim to speak for God. If you think that’s an overstatement, simply tune into some of the programing on Trinity Broadcasting Network or some of the other cable religious networks. What you will see are churches filled with thousands of Christians hanging on to every word of a man or a…

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“I Like Your Christ, I Do Not Like Your Christians. Your Christians Are So Unlike Your Christ.”

Jesus Is Alive and Active


Hebrews 10:10-14

Have you ever wondered what Jesus is doing, now that He has ascended to heaven? Our Scripture passage tells us that after offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins, He sat down at the right hand of God. Verse 13 might lead us to believe He is simply sitting up there waiting for the time when He comes back to rule and reign on earth. But when we consider other passages, we soon realize He is quite active on our behalf.

First of all, even though the Son is with the Father in heaven, He is also residing within every believer in the person of the Holy Spirit, whom He sent to be in us and with us (John 15:26; Rom. 8:9-10). Christ is actively working within you to shape your character and empower your obedience.

Next, Jesus lives to intercede for those who believe…

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Olive Tree Bible free offer


The Spirit of Fear is not from God


Many Times We are Unaware that we are being Guided by the Holy Spirit


Plague of Locusts


Free to express one’s belief ?


wow! I read the article…bullyism has spread far and wide in society, permeating religious expression.  Why does the Truth of Jesus Christ create such agitation ?

Wanted: Woman willing to give Birth to a Neanderthal Baby

Samuel at Gilgal

NeanderthalDoes this sound ridiculous or what? Even if we have the technology to create Neanderthal babies, should we? Jennifer Lahl writes:

No, this is not a tabloid headline you read while waiting to checkout at the grocery store or something you might read on Craigslist in their Help Wanted ads. This was a casual comment by Harvard University’s prestigious geneticist, George Church, made in a recent interview for Germany’s Der Speigel magazine. . . .

But just how far-fetched is this idea? In 2009, scientists in Germany reconstructed the Neanderthal genome and boldly proclaimed that with these new technologies (and $30 million) they could produce a living Neanderthal. . . .

As scientists pursue this technology in hopes of resurrecting an extinct species or of dealing with endangered species, one has to wonder what limits should be placed on this new science? What are the moral criteria that will be…

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What’s Next?

I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ!

God is sending messages to His people.  Many are receiving dreams and visions of this destruction coming, those who are awake and watching know what’s coming.  I urge you to open your eyes, ask God to guide you into truth, and prepare, for it is coming and it’s coming soon.  Laugh and Scoff all you want, this was prophesied too.  Just prepare.  This is the message I’m getting and I’m getting an urgency with it.  We are about to hear the words: “Let there be no more delay.”

Revelation 6:12-17

  • I watched as he opened the sixth seal.  There was a great earthquake.  The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 
  • and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.
  • The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up…

View original post 409 more words

The Desires of Your Heart!!!!!!!!!


Psalm 91- The Lord protects me

Ancient Paths

I live in the shelter of the Most High
And I find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty
This I declare about the Lord on High,
He alone is my rock and my safety
He is my refuge and where I go to hide
When my enemies surround me
And a thousand fall at my side
Traps and snares try to grab me
But the Lord rescues and I rejoice gladly
Deadly diseases and a world of evil things
Yet My God covers me and protects me under His wings
His promises are yes and true
Our armour, protecting me and you
I will not be afraid of the terrors in the night
Though the world tries to fill each heart with fright
The Lord goes before me, He strengthens me with His might
No evil can touch me, my prayers reach His heights
For I know He hears each word…

View original post 402 more words

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